My daughter was sick in early March. That morning, she said she wanted to do something. So I painted her toenails.
Sometimes you just have to give it your best even if you don’t know a thing about what you’re about to do.

I painted my daughter’s toenails. Not a bad start for a newbie.
I’m a dad to an extremely beautiful and wonderful almost-4-year-old girl. Yes, I’m prejudice. But hey, aren’t all parents?
I’ve had to learn a lot over the last few years with relation to the whole daddy-daughter dynamic. She’s into dolls, loves colouring and has a unique interest in the planets that mimics that of mine. She’s an affectionate little individual who spares no hugs when you’re on her good side. Fortunately, that’s where I stand at the moment so I’m good until we hit the teenage years.
One thing, though, is that my daughter is more–how can I put it–glamourous than I am and loves all things cosmetic. I remember one day in particular that completely caused me to delve into the realm of make-up unbeknownst to me.
This is my first time, though I can guarantee that it won’t be my last.
So after she asked me to paint her toenails, she got really excited and started bouncing up and down, saying, “Daddy, I want my toenails painted!”
Fervently stomping around, she insisted it be done. I sighed. This wasn’t going to be something that just whimsically comes out of her mouth and quickly dissipates afterwards. No, she kept going on and on about it. There was no escaping this. I took a sip from my Starbucks coffee mug. She looked at me with these determined eyes that I just couldn’t resist even with the most fortified resistance.
I took the bottle of sparkly toenail polish and gazed at the label on the side: “Safe for children,” it said. Ok, that’s fine by me. I unscrew the lid and dab the brush into the colourful serum before applying it to my first fingered victim.
I’ve seen being it done before, so my knowledge of the task wasn’t completely foreign, and my stubbornness and determination preventing me from quitting.
I swathed the first teeny fingernail with the colourful goo. I look down and with a gasp of delight I see that the paint landed on the nail more than her finger! Joyous, I moved on to the next finger. Each brush stroke got easier, with the occasional one generating a giggle from my daughter in which she would regularly exclaim, “That tickles daddy!”
The finished product showed nicely painted nails with only minimal spillage.
Now I have to say, from a neophyte’s attempt at something trained professionals do on a regular basis, I think I did a job well done.
How excited was I? Well, I’d do what every stoked individual would do: post it on social media. I showed my friends on Facebook and their reactions were full of delight, cooing and chirping what a great dad I am for doing that.
How excited was I? I went to Golden Touch’s Yorkville location and showed Cathy a picture of my work. She was ecstatic and said it looked great. Only thing, she said, is to use a solid foundation before applying the paint right away so it has a chance to settle and give it body.
Needless to say, perhaps after a few lessons from Cathy herself, I could be on par with her level of aesthetic talent. Cathy’s certified in aesthetics and to hear that from a professional like herself on my not-so-feeble attempt at aesthetics really strikes me as something to be proud of.
I am in no way a professional aesthetician, just a daddy-do-right who wanted to impress his little girl.
I’m sure my performance into the aesthetic unknown has only just begun. It wouldn’t surprise me if she somehow returns the favour one easy afternoon and completely redoes my look while I nap. I’m actually looking forward to that.
I painted my daughter’s toes. I forged a strong daddy-daughter bond.
À la prochaine.
Sean Mitchell, CHRL, is a certified human resources professional and wannabe venture capitalist. Sean is also owner of Blacktalon Enterprise Solutions, loves business and making his clients become the best they can be.
Beauty Beyond is a regular featured blog on, presently published weekly.